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定休日のご注文は翌営業日の発送となります。(定休日:日曜日, 祝日)
原産国: フィリピン
世界初のウベ クリーム リキュール™️ をご紹介します。フィリピンのネグロス島産サトウキビ ウォッカとフル クリーム、そして主役のフィリピン産ウベをブレンドした革新的なブレンドです。
Country of Origin: Philippines
Introducing the world’s first Ube Cream Liqueur; an innovative 鹿児島 blend of sugar cane vodka from Negros Philippines, blended with full cream and
■ 鹿児島 the star of the show, Filipino Ube.
Multi-awarded in the USA for its Ube flavor, this deliciously creamy liqueur is a national icon! Not too sweet, just right. This deliciously creamy liqueur is a national icon. It’s best served chilled. It can be consumed neat, on the rocks, layered on
■ shooters, or
■ a boozy Halo-halo.
Ube Cream Liqueur is internationally awarded with a Double Gold and also received the Philippines first product Innovation award at the SIP Awards in California 2021 and 2023. The SIP Awards is the largest consumer judged spirit awards
■ in the world.
カテゴリー食品・飲料・酒 > 飲料・酒 > 焼酎商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域栃木県