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Gear Set - Godox SA-17 Adapter
■ + SA-P Projection Attachment +
■ Accessories
Key Features:
Compatibility: Fits seamlessly with Bowens mount lights, including models like パーツ Godox VL150, VL200, VL300, SL200II, and SL60W.
Godox SA-17 Adapter - for connecting S-mount accessories to the Bowens mount, super versatile for expanding your lighting options.
Godox SA-P Projection Attachment - ideal for precise, creative lighting effects, spot lighting, and texturing in photos or videos.
SA-06 Iris Diaphragm: to chase the elusive spotlight with this 18-leaf Iris.
SA-05 Scrim Set: to reduce intensity or harshness of light and control the beam gradation.
SA-09 Gobo Set: to manipulate your background in terms of its texture .
SA-07 Framing Shutter: to form triangles,
■ squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and other shapes.
Color Gels Set: to do color correction or to パーツ create different atmosphere.
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